• High solid content, can be made into thick model epoxy paint surface, with excellent alkali resistance; Has good water resistance and salt water resistance; Has excellent durability and corrosion resistance; It has good oil resistance and chemical resistance.

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  • It has excellent matching performance, galvanized steel and aluminum alloy have good adhesion, fast drying, and can be transported and stacked after a few minutes of painting, without affecting welding and cutting; Has excellent adhesion and impact resistance; It has excellent wear resistance and is recognized by most Chinese classification societies.

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  • The use of pollution-free anti rust pigments is beneficial for environmental protection, and the paint film has good water resistance, salt water resistance, and salt spray resistance; Has good rust prevention and durability; Has good oil resistance and solvent resistance; Has excellent adhesion and impact resistance; Suitable for steel structures such as ports, docks, heavy machinery, mining machinery, power machinery, water conservancy engineering, etc. 

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  • The information and data of the above products are accumulated based on our experiments and practical experience, and can be used as construction guidelines. We have the right to make modifications based on the continuous improvement of the products. For construction carried out without our knowledge, we can only guarantee the quality of the paint itself, and we are not responsible for any other issues.

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 social responsibility 

While creating profits and taking responsibility for the interests of shareholders, enterprises also bear social responsibilities to employees, society, and the environment, including adhering to business ethics, production safety, occupational health, protecting the legitimate rights and interests of workers, and saving resources. The responsibility of ensuring the authenticity of products is due to various reasons, and the lack of integrity is disrupting the normal operation of the socialist market economy. Due to the lack of integrity of enterprises, Causing counterfeit goods to be visible at any time, the welfare losses incurred by consumers as a result range from 250 to 270 billion yuan per year, accounting for 3-3.5% of GDP. Many enterprises are struggling to sustain themselves due to the interference of product counterfeiting and the difficulty of cracking down on counterfeits, which is at risk. In order to maintain market order and safeguard the interests of the people, enterprises must bear the social responsibility of ensuring the authenticity of products through courtesy, integrity, and honesty. The task of scientifically developing enterprises is to develop and make profits, and to shoulder the mission of increasing taxes and national development. Enterprises must take on the responsibility of development, do a good job in economic development, take development as the center and development as the premise, continuously expand the scale of enterprises, expand tax share, complete tax tasks, and make significant contributions to national development. But this development concept must be scientific, and no enterprise can only focus on the present, ignore the long term, only focus on the local area, ignore the overall situation, and even more cannot only focus on itself and ignore its neighbors. So no matter which enterprise, it should attach great importance to its development under the guidance of the scientific development concept of "Five Coordinates". Sustainable development China is a country with particularly scarce per capita resources, and the development of enterprises must be adapted to resource conservation. Enterprises cannot ignore one thing and lose another, regardless of the overall situation. As an entrepreneur, we must take a global stance, adhere to sustainable development, and pay high attention to resource conservation. And we must make up our minds to change the mode of economic growth, develop circular economy, and adjust industrial structure. Especially, we need to respond to the central call, implement the strategy of "going out", make good use of two resources and two markets, to ensure the safe operation of the economy. In this way, our development can be sustained, and the goal of quadrupling again can be achieved. With the global and China's economic development, the environment is deteriorating day by day. Especially with the increasingly serious pollution of the atmosphere, water, and oceans, the survival of wildlife is facing a crisis. Overexploitation of forests and minerals poses a great threat to human survival and development, and environmental issues have become bottlenecks in economic development. For the survival of humanity and sustainable economic development, enterprises must take on the responsibility of protecting the environment and maintaining natural harmony.